Monday, August 31, 2009

12 Years!!

Seems like just yesterday that Christina and I married. Last night I was reminiscing about the night before our I was goofing off and having a great time with family, and my new family.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. However, at least 1 thing has always remained. My love for my wife. Our love has changed, grown, been tested, and yet somehow thrives today. I am extremely happy about the decision I made 12 years ago. I would make it over and over again.

I love you Bernice. Happy Anniversary! I had a great time with you this weekend!

Oh..and thanks for the gift that came with my card this morning!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"God, don't let me be someone's aftershock"

Good Morning!

A lot has transpired since I last posted, but nevertheless, I'm gonna get down to it.

This morning's headlines alerted us of 2 strong earthquakes on the other side of the globe. Thankfully injuries and deaths are minimal. This news reminds me:

I have lived in southern California most of my life, yet somehow, earthquakes still surprise us. Earthquakes have been know to cause major structural damage to our buildings and infrastructure. While the initial jolt weakens the structure, its the aftershock that can bring those already weak structures down. So what is an aftershock?


An aftershock is an earthquake that occurs after a previous earthquake (the main shock). An aftershock is in the same region of the main shock but is always of smaller magnitude strength.

Impact of aftershocks:

Aftershocks are dangerous because they are usually unpredictable, can be of a large magnitude, and can collapse buildings that are damaged from the mainshock. Bigger earthquakes have more and larger aftershocks and the sequences can last for years or even longer especially when a large event occurs in a seismically quiet area.

If this is true for buildings and structures how much more important is it for me to relate this to my own life. My structure. The Word of God says, that my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. A temple. A structure.

Much like you, in my life I've sustained some earthquakes. Often times we bring about our own earthquakes as a result of our actions. Sometimes they are truly a surprise. In either case, I still fear the aftershock more than the earthquake.

Aftershock in our lives are most often caused by others. Words, dis-associations, judgement, not showing mercy, self preservation. In our moments of great vulnerability, an aftershock hits. Sometimes aftershocks are warranted in the mind of us as humans, yet I believe Jesus would disagree with that. I think the boldest statement is made when the parable of the shepherd leaving 99 sheep behind to go after 1 that needed help, guidance, love after it has strayed away from the fold. Not worried about what the 99 would think, the shepherd went after the 1.

God, help me to be like the shepherd. I know that each and every person will sustain an earthquake at some point in their life. God, don't let me be someone's aftershock.
